The client: The University of Sydney


The client’s challenge: The University of Sydney conducted a development capacity analysis in relation to the Darlington Campus to understand the opportunity to develop an appropriate, future-thinking framework to support a best practice precinct and placemaking strategy. This work will inform future work on the Darlington Campus concept master plan.


Through consultation with community members, the University recognised that the environmental health and wellbeing of Country is paramount for First Nations peoples and committed to reflecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and working collectively to protect its natural, cultural, and contemporary heritage. This project presented an opportunity for the University to extend the vibrant cultural narrative as an integral part of the campus experience - bringing the past, the present and the future together through shared knowledge and innovation. The University identified that it needed assistance to progress this work.


GIRA’s response: GIRA worked alongside COX Architects, Turf Design and Atelier Ten to produce a First Nations Design Principles - Darlington Campus Development Capacity Analysis. The Report methodology included research: thematic, exploratory, verbal, and consultative, followed by a practical design phase with input from technical and subject matter experts including First Nations and non-Indigenous design and placemaking contributors. The report recommended sharing the Development Capacity Analysis (DCA) Project Review Group activities and recommendations with stakeholders, determining suitable engagement forums with Traditional Custodians, co-designing a communication strategy, and developing a Cultural Design Framework to ensure an inclusive approach in the Darlington Campus Project and future master planning. These actions will guide the University more broadly, in effectively recognising, embedding and promoting First Nations perspectives, languages, and traditions through education and urban design.


First Nations Expertise for a Sustainable World: Reshaping Global Resource Strategies


Preserving Heritage, Paving the Future: GIRA's Expert-led Aboriginal Heritage Management Plan