The client: One of Australia’s largest energy providers


The client’s challenge: The client identified that it required  strategic advice and engagement support in relation to First Nations people for  their Offshore renewable energy infrastructure area proposal. The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has identified an area within Australian Commonwealth waters to support future renewables development. This initiative, possibly encompassing offshore wind, wave, or tidal generation projects, is designed to supply electricity to the region. With the Australian Government's ambitious targets of net-zero emissions by 2050, reducing emissions by 43% by 2030, and achieving 82% of electricity generation from renewable sources, offshore renewable energy projects are vital.


GIRA’s response: GIRA’s methodology embraces First Nations perspectives, supplying technical advice aligning with both project aspirations and cultural heritage. GIRA provided communication and media relations support relating to First Nations issues of public interest, backed by cultural understanding and ethical considerations. GIRA’s strategic engagement advice forms a crucial part of the approach, encouraging robust relationships with First Nations representatives, the Commonwealth Government, and vital stakeholders to drive the project objectives. GIRA’s guidance is based on best practices for engagement and agreement making with First Nations peoples, respecting their governance, rights, and protocols.



Breaking New Ground: Pioneering Global First Agreement-Making for Murujuga's Future


Honouring Cultures, Empowering Connections: First Nations Advisory in Telecommunications