The client: National Telecommunications Provider

The client’s challenge: One of Australia’s leading full-service telecommunications providers identified that it needed to access advice and guidance in relation to improving its internal capability to provide better services to, and improve outcomes for, First Nations people.

GIRA’s response: GIRA’s facilitation and support of the company’s Reconciliation Action Plan implementation applied a systematic method for nurturing respectful relationships and generating opportunities with First Nations communities and partners. Additionally, GIRA provided guidance in relation to placemaking, policy review and the establishment of an advisory circle.

Placemaking is conceptualised as a strategy to instill a sense of belonging and cultural connection within the built environment, intricately intertwining the historical narratives of First Nations with contemporary public domains. GIRA’s policy review included an analysis of customer financial policies and provided recommendations to improve services to First Nations customers. The establishment of an advisory circle ensured a dedicated group of specialists is able to provide guidance on matters impacting on First Nations people to the client.


Shaping the Future of Renewables with Respectful First Nations Engagement